22 Feb201713th February 2022
Ready for Nursery?

Ready for Nursery?

How do you feel about leaving your child with a childcarer? Are you confident that they will be fine or are you worried about the separation… or your child being more attached to their childcarer than you… or how you will cope if they cry? Leaving children can be a traumatic experience for many children...

Hania Cieniawska

Hania Cieniawska

I provide a warm, welcoming, safe and stimulating environment where children can play, learn and develop. I work together with my lovely assistant who is fully qualified.

Ilona Rejmanowska

Ilona Rejmanowska

Illona holds full qualifications in early education and specialisation in oligophrenic pedagogy.

Park Walks

Park Walks

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur cing elit.